USC Advanced Games and MFA Thesis Project
Roles: Artist, Animator
Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Unity Engine
May 2022 - Present
Grandma Green is a virtual pet and farming simulation game. The player plays as a lonely Grandma, whose magic green thumbs causes her to grow fruit, flower, and vegetable golems! Through her tender care, a plant can grow and evolve and even produce rare hybrids. Grandma can enter her plants into competitions and use her winnings to upgrade her humble garden patch into her dream farm!

Concept art for various farming tools - i.e. watering can, trowel, fertilizer, shears, gardening fork

Further trowel concept art

Concept/rough sketch animation for "loading" screen.

Plant collection UI screen concepts.

Plant collection UI screens, further iterations & color palette exploration.

"Memento" item concepts for the Tulip golem. Mementos are based off of the golems' personalities and interests.

"Memento" item concepts for the Cotton golem.