Genre: Point-and-click puzzle adventure
Platform: Browser, PC, Mac
Engine: Unity Engine
Team: 16; art team 6
Duration: May 2022 - May 2023
Artist: developing art style guide, character art, environment art, prop/item art, 2D animation
UI/UX Designer: UI mockups & final assets
Content note: This page contains depictions of non-sexual anatomically accurate nudity for educational purposes.
(val)iant: or, val's guide to having a broken vag is a single-player narrative game about "vagina problems". Play as Val, a nonbinary college student struggling with their relationship to their body, as well as their relationship with sex. This game is fundamentally about how we as a society learn (or don't learn) about sex.

Concept thumbnails for the "sex ed school scene." Tried to envision different fun angles and UI configurations.

"Sex ed school scene" concept art, first iteration.

Additional concept sketches for the "sex ed school scene."

Final "sex ed school scene" assets after feedback.

Concept thumbnails for the "post-sex conversation scene." The second version was selected and iterated upon by another artist.

"Tampon bathroom scene" concept art, first iteration.

Final "tampon bathroom scene" assets.